We have a little bit of a different dynamic today! I actually have my friend Jess, from Becoming the Best Self, presenting us with a guest post! Jess is a self growth and mental health blogger! She takes pride in giving researched based information to help you become your best self! Since this is a finance blog, she’s going to be giving you 3 cheap ways to make sure you are practicing self care!
Before we get started, let me assure you that I have not always been this proactive in regards to my self care. A couple of years ago, I could hardly bring myself to brush my hair. (Can we say rock bottom?!) Face masks just seemed messy and pedicures became too costly.
Since then, I have prioritized finding various ways I can practice self care, for CHEAP, throughout any moments of my day! I hope I am able to give you not only the confidence to take care of yourself, but also some reasons why self care is so important!
What does self care entail?
Self care gets over complicated by society! When we break down the word, what do we get?
S E L F – C A R E
Guys, we just have to take care of ourselves.
With that being said, self care can mean something differently to each and every one of us! Since we aren’t all the same (how boring would that be), the way we go about taking care of our individual selves will definitely vary!
For some, self care may be laying in pajamas all day. For others, it may be journaling their thoughts before going to bed!
You have to find what works for you, personally.
But, the good thing about this? There are endless options! Today, we’re going to look at a few cheap, even free, ways to easily take care of yourself!
3 Cheap Ways to Practice Self Care (+1 FREE)
- Workout
Just get moving! Have you ever noticed how when you lay around all day and do nothing, you actually feel like you ran 3 marathons? That’s because our body thrives off being active! When it’s not regularly moving, your body tends to feel weaker.
By working out, your body releases its own happy drugs! That’s why people often become addicted to working out!
Now, although you can move around and workout without a gym membership, I would say this tip would be worth the price of a gym membership. Gyms don’t only provide an abundance of fitness supplies, they provide support! By joining a gym, you will also be joining a community!
Working out can help you practice self care by releasing chemicals from your brain to your body, that make you naturally happier!
- Take a shower and put on clean clothes
Okay, hear me out!
Too often, people underestimate the power of taking a shower! Get clean! Help yourself mentally feel better by physically feeling better!
There are many reasons we can put off cleaning up (anxiety, depression, laziness, lack of time, etc.), but we need to make sure we are taking our showers!
Once you get cleaned up, put on clean clothes! Even if that’s a pair of pajamas, make sure they’re clean!
Taking a shower and putting on clean clothes can up your self care game by physically taking care of your body!
- Solo party
Turn on some of your favorite jams and DANCE! Get groovy with it!
When you listen to your favorite songs, you put out 9% more dopamine than normal! This means your body will be proactive and release your happy drugs, to make sure you are thoroughly enjoying yourself!
Even though I firmly believe music is for everyone, I know dancing isn’t. But, I encourage you to try it! If you’re alone, and start feeling the vibes, let your body move!
Solo parties can help with self care by letting you be, and enjoy, yourself!
- Meditate (completely FREE)
It’s amazing the power of focusing on your thoughts can have, but it really can change your life!
I know that a lot of people relate meditation to yoga practice or even religion, but it’s so much more than that! Although both of these examples use forms of meditation, meditation does not need those examples to work.
Meaning, you don’t have to do yoga to practice learning and balancing yourself. You also don’t have to be religious to pay more attention to your thoughts.
Meditation is the simple act of focusing on your thoughts and being present with yourself.
Meditation can help you practice self care by giving you the time and focus to truly learn yourself!
There you have it! 4 self care ideas!
I know these seem easy enough, but if they aren’t added into your regular routine, they won’t be easy to begin with. Try to incorporate one of these tips into your everyday life! Once you are adjusted to doing them, practicing self care will be a walk in the park!
Jess is the founder of Becoming the Best Self. You can find her on Instagram or Pinterest!